Bad Pride Analysis

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Pages: 3

“There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. ‘Good Pride’ represents our dignity and self respect. ‘Bad Pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance” (John C. Maxwell). This quote is very relevant in looking at perspectives of pride. In other words, Maxwell is stating that pride can be used wisely and pride can be used foolishly. When used the right way, pride has many advantages over not having pride. Pride provides great qualities that are important in life. Therefore, pride is an admirable quality to have because it pushes an individual to accomplish his or her task, endeavors individuals to help others, and gratifies one’s own accomplishments. Some people believe that pride is an unattractive quality to possess. When pride is used incorrectly it can lead to a person becoming arrogant. For example, in “The Scarlet Ibis” the narrator states “When Doodle was 5 years old I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk” (171). Obviously, pride reared it’s ugly face because the narrator admitted to being humiliated of having a handicapped brother. This arrogance is an example of how he used pride the wrong way. Secondly, pride can lead to loss of a relationship. For instance, “For a long, long time, it seemed forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from heresy of rain” …show more content…
When the narrator stated, “I should have already admitted defeat, but my pride wouldn’t let me” (174), it showed the narrator’s pride wouldn’t let him stop doing what he thought was right. Lastly, pride makes one proud of one’s personal achievements. In this story, the narrator added, They did not know that I did it for myself; that pride whose slave i was spoke to me louder than all their voices” (173). Explanation of quote affirms the narrator was proud that he taught his brother to walk. He completed his goal. For this reason, pride is an admirable quality to