Benefit Of Fracking Essay

Words: 359
Pages: 2

The term “fracking” has been used for decade and when people heard it, they think it is something dangerous. hydraulic fracturing is the process of extracting natural gas and oil from deep within the ground by using water, sand, and chemicals. Despite the damage that could caused by fracking, the benefits cover it up. To put it on other words, fracking should be legal in Florida due to the economic impact and the independency for the United States.

First of all, legalizing hydraulic fracturing will benefit the economy. United States unemployment ratio is high and by fracking more oil and gas companies will be established; and that will lead to increase employed opportunities. According to (Efstathiou, 2012), by 2035, fracking will provide
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It does not need to import gas and oil from others because it will have the more access to them. As a consequence, the gas and oil imports will be decreased by 25 percent between 2007 and 2011. Thus, the electricity prices will go down since the surplus supplies of gas are used to generate energy; in this case, fracking leads to reduce air pollution since the gas used to produce energy instead of using coal which released much more carbon dioxide into the air.

Opponents of legalizing fracking believe that fracking process could cause cancer and other health problems. This is because the chemical that used with the water during the process. This may be partly true; however, there are no evidence about it. According to Colorado Gov. John Hick, there are no cases discovered yet in Colorado.

Taking everything into consideration, legalizing fracking has numerous advantages for the country and that includes the independency and the economic benefits. hydraulic fracturing should be implemented all over America due to the vested interest that can be earned from it.
