Benefits Of The First Amendment

Words: 1036
Pages: 5

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution gives American citizens basic freedoms. The First Amendment protect the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. The First Amendment serves for freedom of expression and religious liberty.

First Amendment let people be able to express their thoughts. If there wasn’t at first Amendment, religious minorities can be carried out.
The freedom of speech is one of the most basic rights that Americans take for granted all the time. We should be more careful of this freedom because some countries do not give that privilege to their citizens. Free speech should have limitations
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Free speech doesn’t extend very far for minors. Free Society is insisting on the integrity of its procedures. A Society of free speech needs a really big change. Free speech zones are a disagreement to restrictions intended to protect the national security. Free speech and national security may have to coexist for years to come. Trying to find the right balance between free speech and national security is a really hard challenge. Free speech and national security are not either/or propositions.

The Impact that Free Speech has on foreign policy is unclear. Free Speech rights nothing if they can only be put in an area far away from the intended audience.
People think that Freedom of speech and prohibition hate speech are two things that cannot be true. The proper response of the government is not to be prohibit dissent. The proper response is to protect the speaker and punish those who is into violence.

Freedom of Speech is a condition for a successful democracy. Freedom of Speech issues apply to group function as a single independent existence such as corporations. The free speech rights of minors are at issue most of the time with school