Best Conduit For Combustion Experiments

Words: 541
Pages: 3

In this experiment our group decided to which type of chemical is the best conduit for combustion. We tested whether it had the best type of combustion of testing the amount of time the fire burned after stopping oxygen flow, what was the mass of the cotton ball after burning it with the respective chemical, and what was the color of the BTB after 5 minutes with the fire. We hypothesized that vaseline would have the best combustion since it is made out of petroleum. This meaning it has many high energy bonds, which would contribute to the combustion.

To find if their hypothesis is true, where vaseline will have the best combustion over ethanol and hand sanitizer they had to set up 3 experiments to prove that it is true. Their first experiment was to find how long the combustion would last without oxygen. The second experiment they had to find the mass of the cotton ball five minutes after it extinguish. Lastly, they had to find the BTB color to see how many carbon was released into the air and bonding with other atoms to make carbon dioxide. In this experiment they had the dependent variable (data) which was the time it lasted, the mass of the cotton ball, and the BTB color. Their
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What they did was that they had a lid placed onto a table, the researchers then placed the BTB and the petri dish which had 1 coated cotton ball either vaseline, ethanol, or hand sanitizer. The researcher then safely ignited the cotton ball and waited 15 seconds for everything to function and work. After 15 seconds they would place the container over the flame and BTB making barely any oxygen coming in. When the container was placed the researchers would start the timer immediately and time how long the flame lasted without oxygen. Lastly they would wait 5 minutes and record the BTB color and the mass. After the recorded trials the researchers would repeat the steps until everything is