Binge Drinking Persuasive Speech Outline

Words: 848
Pages: 4

Topic: Stop binge drinking.
Specific purpose: To persuade the audience that binge drinking is a problem in the college atmosphere and needs to be eliminated.
Thesis Statement: My goal today is to persuade my audience that binge drinking is a problem in college atmosphere’s today because of the peer pressure, social reliance, and affect on one’s physical and mental health.
Scenario: It’s a Saturday morning, you wake up and get ready for the big game!
What do you do before the game?
According to dictionary.Com, the definition of a pregame is to, “drink alcohol before attending an event or social function (especially of a person who is underaged).”
We all over drink, but why? Why is this necessary? It’s not. I am not saying that you shouldn't drink at all, but you should do it because
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Transition Sentence: Out of all of these issues that come with binge drinking, it seems like we continue to do it anyway. Topic Sentence: Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, everybody? If in the past you have had more than 4 drinks, shots, or beers, you have engaged in binge drinking.
Supporting Point 1: You may not think you have an alcohol problem, but if you have engaged in binge drinking more than once in the past month, you have a drinking problem.
Evidence/Logic: According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinkers are considered alcoholics.
Supporting Point 2: People seem to forget that results of binge drinking can be fatal.
Evidence/Logic: According to the CDC, “coma and death can occur if alcohol is consumed rapidly and in large amounts.”
Conclusion: Today I talked to you about how binge drinking is a huge problem among college students.
Closing Statement: The next time you are at a party, have a drink, but make sure it is in moderation and for the right reasons.
There is too much peer pressure associated with