Bridge To Terabithia Analysis

Words: 915
Pages: 4

Books often allow us, as readers, to reflect on the behaviours and beliefs we see in day to day life. In Bridge To Terabithia written by Katherine Paterson we, readers, are able to receive insight into the issue of self expression through the characterisation of Jess Aarons. Through the narrative conventions of characters, point of view and setting, we are able to explore the issues of gender stereotypes and self-esteem.

The use of setting plays a significant role in us, readers, receiving an insight into the beliefs of the 1970s. Gender stereo types was a prominent belief, or as we see it today,an issue, back in the 1970s. Jess doing chores and working out in the fields is constantly reiterated throughout the text. ‘“I got plenty of chores needs doing around here this morning”…Which left Jess to do all the work as usual. Momma never sent the babies out to help.’ The addition of ‘usual’ allows readers to realise that Jess was being constantly left to do the work. This may be seen as a bias or favouritism however, the common belief of the 1970s was that men were to do the chores appose to women who were expected to look prim and proper. The sentence ‘Momma never sent the babies out to help’ can also be interpreted as being biased or favouritism. However, the word ‘babies’ used in this sentence is a metaphor telling us that his two
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Bridge To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson is one book I shall never forget and has certainly allowed me to be humbled and appreciate the changes over time from what the world was, in the 1970s, to what it is now. The conventions of setting, characters and point of view has helped myself, as a reader, understand the behaviours and beliefs of gender stereotypes, self-esteem and self expression. Allowing me to further reflect and understand how privileged I am with the life I live