Brief Summary: Effects Of The Civil War

Words: 1125
Pages: 5

Jonathan Santos
Mrs. Hollier
English 1301
1st November 2015
The Civil War a time when the United States was thrown into turmoil due to the differences between the industrialized north and the slave dependent South. With the upcoming election the United states selected Abraham Lincoln as its next president, but the south seceded in fear of losing slavery and thus the civil war began. The war would wage on from 1861- 1865 and north would emerge victorious and thus slavery throughout the United states would be brought to an end. Even though slavery would be ended we would see the effects that the civil war would have on our nation throughout the next few years and I will show the biggest three effects from the civil war. One of the most obvious
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Through the Republican party the federal government would give black folks the right to vote which is also known as the fifteenth amendment. It would all not go very well though because the south would push back against the African American population getting any rights and the south would being to find loopholes in the north’s plans for black freedoms. With all the opposition in the south we will begin to see organization against African American’s rise up mainly the KKK or Ku-Klux Klan who terrorized these citizens because of who they were. Organizations like this would continue to oppose southern and northern governmental facilities that wanted to assist African Americans becoming citizens and gaining rights, but the federal government would fight back as well and these two would continue to go back and forth until the first clans collapse in 1870s. Reconstruction in summary was an exceptional way to not only rebuild the south, but to also assist African Americans to settle down as citizens, but unfortunately it was met with resistance from some. Another effect of the civil war would be the Jim Crow laws that separated colored people from the whites in places like restaurants, restrooms, water …show more content…
Many of these laws were enforced strictly in the south from the Late 1800’s all the way to the 1960’s. These Jim Crow laws caused segregation all throughout the south and made it a crime for any mixing of races in places like schools, hospitals, and restaurants just to name a few. Marrying another race outside your own was also looked down upon severely in the south and there were many cities and states that imposed legal punishments for breaking those Jim Crow laws. These Jim Crow laws would later be abolished through the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 1960’s because of the uproar of support for equal treatment not just for African American Citizens, but all Citizens. Lastly, the third big effect of the civil war would be the civil war amendments the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. These amendments were created to give equal rights to the recently freed slaves from the south and the rest of the United States as well. The Thirteenth Amendment which was passed in 1865 was the one that banned all slavery