Catcher In The Rye Analysis

Words: 358
Pages: 2

Holden wants to call Jane, but thinks against it otherwise. Holden thinks about a boy that was with Jane at one time, and Holden thought that the boy was being a show off, and Jane attempted to defend him by saying he had an inferiority complex. Holden talks about girls and thinks about how if a girl isn’t fond of a boy she will say that she is conceited. Holden decided to call up Jane, nobody answers the phone. Holden is feeling lonely at this moment, and calls Luce, somebody that attended the Whooton School with Holden prior to being kicked out. Holden and Luce hang out and goes drinking. While waiting, Holden watches a christmas show which he hates because of how phony it is, and how they are not truly into what they are doing. Holden arrives