Character Analysis: Bless Me Ultima

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Pages: 6

In life, individuals tend to live out their "lost dreams" through the action of other's. A world of opposing beliefs,can affect the growth of an innocent child to the point in which knowledge takes control of their actions. As shown in the novel "Bless me Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya,protagonist Antonio,his brothers,and sisters live in a world of cultural domination,in which Maria and Gabriel's cultural ideas affects the conscience of their sons to feel to have the sovereignty over their own destiny. With the guidance of ultima,a curandera who holds Antonio's destiny, Antonio learns the moral values of life.
The conflicting cultural views can be the predominant cause of religious ambivalence upon a child. As shown in the novel Antonio's youth
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In pg 23 "Oh why did my mother dream for me to be a priest!How would I ever wash away the stain blood from the sweet waters of my river" illustrates the fact that his mind is filled with guilt after no saving Lupito soul from dying."The stain blood' illustrates Antonio’s lost of innocence,for he had sinned against his catholic beliefs and feels as if he's never going to be forgiving by god and perhaps not fulfill his mother's dream,being forced to see such violence upon Lupito's death, Antonio had become a "man". Through Maria's dream and religion beliefs Antonio's innocence was lost .The flow of the sacred river illustrates Antonio's journey as he's coming of age his lost of innocence rides along him. In pg 59 "The pain and sadness seemed to spread to my soul, and I felt for the first time what the grown-ups call, la tristera de la vida" illustrates the idea that Antonio at a young age feels the struggle to adapt in a new society."For the first time, I would be away from the protection of my mother" illustrates Antonio's transition from a child to an adult in which he realized that he will not be under his mother's control all of his life. As it happened to his brother's them going away changed their life when they returned,this connects to Antonio to the fact that him leaving his mother's side would bring change upon his life. Antonio is the midst of questioning his beliefs and the uncertainty he has upon his mother's religion when a priest couldn't cure his uncle lucas but ultima's power did,he began to have doubts about his religion. Maria's dream have affected Antonio’s mind into questioning good vs evil,religion vs ultima's powers .Pg 190 " in the end,that knowledge they seek will destroy us all" the atomic bomb daunted Antonio's ideology that gaining too much knowledge can also cause destruction, the atomic describes the destruction within man's knowledge in which Antonio's conscience is frightened by the