Cheap Labour Research Paper

Words: 957
Pages: 4

The effects of low wage workers in developing countries can have positive impacts through the development of industry that low wage workers can make possible. Furthermore the use of cheap labor undoubtedly has short term positive effects for companies using low-wage workers. Most apparent is the reduced costs that come along with using cheap labor but the benefits do not end there. Specifically in outsourcing jobs there is a large benefit in regulations. Sam Ashe-Edmunds (2009) states, “Businesses outside the U.S. are often subject to fewer regulations regarding labor conditions, use and disposal of materials, right-to-work laws and other areas of manufacturing that raise the cost of producing goods in more developed and regulated countries.” …show more content…
The Bible states, “Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.” (James 5:4, English Standard Version) The context of this verse is that James is criticizing wealthy landowners who had been oppressing poor laborers by either paying very little or withholding wages. This is concurrent with the main theme of the paper in the idea that it is wrong to not pay those the appropriate amount for their work. The Bible also has a very obvious stance on greed which is one factor that plays into the reason why companies abuse cheap labor. The idea that whoever loves money never has enough, and whoever loves wealth will never be satisfied is another prominent thought throughout. (Ecclesiastes 5:10, English Standard Version) This is something that is indicated when companies choose to use cheap labor just to maximize profits even though they are still able to make profits without the use of low-wage workers. The insatiable pursuit of money of these companies is something that is contradictory of what is stated in the …show more content…
William Jasper (2003) reports, “The blue collar job drain has not let up; many more companies will move offshore in the coming years, or simply sell out to foreign corporations or larger U.S. companies that have already set up operations overseas.” (p. 15) This is why reformation of how companies use cheap labor should be reconstructed. The decline of more and more manufacturing jobs in the United States is major issue that only assists in the economic decline. After the factories of these U.S. based companies are closed down in the United States they soon reappear if foreign nations such as Mexico, Indonesia, India, China, and many more. (Jasper, 2003, p. 15) These U.S. based companies should not be able to have all their manufacturing focused in foreign countries but reap the benefits of selling in the United States. The relocation of many blue collared jobs is leaving many Americans without higher education out of a