Chicken Pox Research Paper

Words: 359
Pages: 2

Usually symptoms of chicken pox look like pimples or misquitoe bites. Obviusly they start to itch horribly, and don't be fooled, cause the small red/pinkish dots can actually start to hurt when touched. The infection is spread when the person sneezes or coughs, or when someone touches the fluid in the blisters. It can also be spread by touching something that has touched the fluid from the blisters (eg a dressing which covered the sore). Chickenpox can be caught from the fluid in the blisters of someone with shingles, though this is rare. The person with chickenpox is contagious from the beginning of the illness (up to 2 days before the spots appear) until about 5 days after the first spots appear. So long as there are no new blisters