Child Trauma Research Paper

Words: 651
Pages: 3

Post Traumatic Play on Children Exposed To Traumatic Event Children under the age of seventeen are exposed to traumatic events every day. Some go into adulthood carrying different emotional baggage. The traumatic events these children endure can vary quite drastically; this can result in different emotional effects to those events. For instance, if one six year old girl witnesses a bombing and a different six year old girl is held at gun point, the emotional toll and how those girls respond to the event can be completely different from one another. Through the research of several credible scientists and doctors, researchers are able to find the tie between the exposed trauma and the effect it can have on the victim years following the event or events. As researchers collect their data, the hardest …show more content…
However, like all good research, the answer can be found in the results. Any and all events that cause emotional trauma will be classified as a substantial traumatic event worth of the recording for data. Different types of traumatic events can vary from but are not limited to physical assaults, sexual assaults, negligence, witnessing of a horrific event, etc. The data obtained throughout this research article shows not only different types of traumatic event and their effects, but also personal stories from children who have suffered and developed PTSD as a minor.
Hannah Blomdal - Physical Assault In a publication to the Stanford Medicine Periodical, Author Erin Digitale writes about a child named Hannah Blomdal and the story of her traumatic event and how the trauma has affected her years after (Digitale 2015). Digitale explains that in a California city called Redwood City, Hannah Blomdal's front yard had been the scene of her very own assault that would send Hannah to the hospital with a broken jaw, a