Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

Words: 1222
Pages: 5

More than eighty-five percent of our world's population believe in something whether it's Buddha, Science, Braham, Jesus, or Allah(another name for God.) Religion or being spiritual is important to people because it gives us a feeling of protection and security. Most religions form the people we become. For many people religion is their entire life they base what they do, say, and how they carry themselves.. While researching two different world religions, this essay will contribute ideas on the spread of religion, how people view these religions and compare and contrast religions to each other to find similarities and differences. Christianity originated in Jerusalem. Before Christianity rose the Romans were strong believers of multiple gods. Christianity truly rose after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus’s twelve disciples and two apostles continued to spread Jesus’s messages and teachings to …show more content…
Muslims believing in Allah another name for God. Christianity and Islam both believe in equality of the sexes spiritually but restrict certain tasks in the church for example leading the churches. Muslims believe in the five pillars which are individual duties Muslims must fulfill to achieve eternal peace after death. The first pillar of Islam declaration of faith which is knowing “there is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God”, the second pillar is daily prayer in which muslims pray five times a day, the third pillar is alms for poor in which muslims give to the poor and in some areas money is collected as taxes called the Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam is fasting during Ramadan in which muslims fast from sunrise to sundown during the holy month to show faith, the fifth pillar of Islam the Hajj if a muslim is physically and financially able they must travel to the Mecca and visit the Kaaba and pray at least