'Colonel Sartoris Snopes In Barn Burning'

Words: 323
Pages: 2

Colonel Sartoris Snopes better known as Sarty, a dynamic character in “Barn Burning”, has an internal conflict with being loyal to his blood versus being loyal to the justice system. This is evident when Abner Snopes, Sarty’s father is on trial for burning down his neighbor’s barn. According to Virginia Fowler, “Sarty exhibits an awakening moral sense in the very beginning of the story when he thinks, during the opening trial, that Abner “aims for me to lie … And I will have to do hit” ” (518). I agree because Sarty is doing what his father expects of him which is lying under oath to protect Abner. Sarty’s gut is telling him to tell the truth but his father is causing conflict by interfering with his innate moral sense by telling Sarty to lie.