Commentary On Mark Twain's Quote In Work

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Pages: 2

This quote was printed in the southern workman in 1910. I like this quote because it generally means that if you’re not willing to put in work to be more advanced than you won’t be better than others who don’t have the ability to advance. I feel like this quote is important for students in English for say more than other courses. The quote should generally make a person think on a situation proposition. I feel as if this quote should come up in every student’s head when the teacher gives the student the opportunity to read and explore new books. As I feel like this quote means to be successful in life you have to do two things in like. First you have to learn the skills that you need to in order to advance, and second you need to have that courage to put that into good use. If you know what to do and you aren’t any better than someone who doesn’t than someone who doesn’t know. …show more content…
If you don’t read you will not succeed like the man who does. Your life its only at a limitation of where you think it should be so the more you limit yourself and your expectations the less you will begin to accomplish and that’s with anything in life. In life, you have to decide what you truly want, you have to decide what you ar5e willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. If you do those things in life you are bound to succeed and that a promise not a guarantee. I feel as if mark twain’s quote closely relates to the quote “If you put the work in, and you show that you’re willing to work hard you’ll succeed” Liam Hemsworth this quote is complete true to every aspect of