Comparing George And Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 420
Pages: 2

The two main characters from the novel of mice and men by John Steinbeck, are George and Lennie. Lennie and George were different in so many ways, George; tall, skinny, and has street smarts.on the other hand, Lennie is short, fat, and is mentally challenged. They don't share many things in common, but one thing they do is that they both want to share and live on a farm together. Lennie some days dreams to have a bunch of rabbits, he can tend himself. Now it's important to remind you that Lennie loves to feel fluffy stuff, and also a big reason why they have to move around. As in weed, he was accused of rape when he was just trying to feel a women's skirt. George's dreams of owning land are because it gives him a sense of independence, being