Comparing The Holocaust And Devil's Arithmetic

Words: 1506
Pages: 7

Could you picture around 6 million people? Now how would you feel if all of them were killed right now? All of them being killed because they were African American or Mexican. The Holocaust was when the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler persecuted, tortured, and killed people just because they were Jewish. People were separated from their families and killed just to keep up with how many people were coming into the camp... or just to amuse themselves. The book and the movie Devil’s Arithmetic go into a lot of detail on what happened to the Jews during the holocaust. Of course not enough to really show how terrible they were treated.
The Devil’s Arithmetic written by Jane Yolen and the movie based off it, produced by Dustin Hoffman, went into detail
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So hannah does and they start talking about how wonderful Shmuel is and how sick Hannah was. When they got to the wedding site they got out and the wedding started. When they were all walking to the bride's hometown to finish the wedding when they saw army trucks. Hannah then remembered what happened in her history classes. She then tried to warn everyone, but it was too late they all said that the protection of God could stop anyone and anything. Then the army me said that they had to be relocated to where all of the other Jewish people were being relocated to. They were all packed on to these trucks and they were packed in like sardines. They then got to a train station where they got out and there was a sign that said “work sets you free” they were marched to boxcars and along the way they saw that there was a lot of belongings that looked familiar. Then they realized that it belonged to people that they knew. That is when they all started worrying. They were forced to lay on their stomachs and give up all of their belongings. The soldiers then shoved them into boxcars with no air or circulation only a bucket in the corner for the bathroom. Hannah was one of the lucky ones with a little bit of air to breathe. It got cold and they only got one or …show more content…
When they got out a couple people were dead. Then they were shown into this room where they were told to get naked and go and jump in the midden. When they were done their heads were shaved and then there was a woman who told them not to talk back to the guards and not to ever ask questions. Hannah then realized that she had lost her memory along with her hair. They worked a lot and some of the people they came here with had been killed, and whenever the Commander would come they would all make a clucking noise and that was the sign for all of the little kids to jump in the midden. The Gertrude came to her and said that they were planning an escape. Shmuel and Yitzchak and Gertrude and Hannah were going to try. When the time came they got caught because the guard that they bribed actually betrayed them. All of the people were caught except Gertrude, Hannah and Yitzchak. Yitzchak escaped and