Comparison Of Labeling Theory And Symbolic Interaction Theory

Words: 375
Pages: 2

Labeling theory claims that social sets produce nonconformity by agreeing on guidelines and laws and by applying these laws to people. In this viewpoint, the response to criminal behavior is just as critical to the study of crime as a persons criminal’s behavior. The labeling viewpoint theorizes an active process where a person is labeled as a criminal, and he or she internalizes that behavior by viewing himself or herself as criminal and thus continues in behave in the way they were labeled (Labeling Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory (Criminology Theories) IResearchNet. (n.d.).
The symbolic interactionist theory focused on the social construction of the self as a process involving relations with others that influenced others development Crossman, A. (n.d.).
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What I believe that what Mead is saying is that each of us through our upbringing, will handle the issue in life differently because of that upbringing (Bohm & Vogel