Confederation Vs Constitution

Words: 677
Pages: 3

The U.S. Constitution, signed on September 17, 1787 at Philadelphia, initiated America’s fundamental laws and national government and certified certain basic rights for citizens. Authorized by the congress, the Constitution was signed by delegates at the Constitutional Convention and was conducted by George Washington. The delegates revised the articles and composed a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches. The Bill of Rights also became part of the constitution, which guaranteed individual protections (10 amendments). Without certain events or ideas like the Shay’s Rebellion, New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, Great Compromise and the Articles of Confederation the Constitution wouldn’t have been the way it is now. All of these event or ideas had a major role in creating the Constitution. …show more content…
This generated little more than a “league of friendship” that couldn’t regulate trade or levy taxes. Each state preserved its supremacy and independence and possessed one vote in which nine out of thirteen were required to pass any measure. There wasn’t any national judicial system to resolve claims among the states and all the thirteen states had to agree which is very rare. George Washington and Alex Hamilton, leaders of the Revolution, believed that a strong national government was necessary; therefore, they began working toward strengthening the federal government. In doing so, they held a series of meetings where one in Philadelphia called the Constitutional Convention was held to revise the effects of the confederation. At this meeting, the delegates assembled new ideas and wrote the new U.S. Constitution. The Articles of Confederation acted as a platform and blueprint for the