Ineffective Coping R/T Disturbance In Pattern Of Tension Release

Submitted By acamille8
Words: 631
Pages: 3

243 Teaching Paper
IV. Intervention
Nursing Diagnosis 1: Ineffective coping r/t disturbance in pattern of tension release
Interventions: I will monitor patient’s physiological responses to increased activity level, including respirations, heart rate and rhythm, and blood pressure. Vital signs are likely to change as the patient deals with the frustration from poor coping strategies. I will listen to the patient and use verbal and non-verbal therapeutic communication including empathy, active listening, and confrontation to encourage the patient to express her emotions such as sadness, guilt, and anger. I will ask patient to verbalize fears and concerns. By doing this, it contributes to the development of a trusting relationship and feelings of connectedness, facilitates expression of feelings. I will collaborate with the patient in identifying strengths such as the ability to relate the facts and to recognize the source of stressors. By doing so, it will help patient to be aware of her own strengths and weakness, and be able to use these strengths in a positive way. I will encourage the patient to describe previous stressors and the coping mechanisms used. This will help eliminate ineffective coping mechanisms. I will assist patient in setting realistic goals, both short and long term, and identify personal skills and knowledge. Efforts to educate regarding possible and potential effects of drug abuse will be positive factors in successful adaptation. It will also help to improve patient’s negative self-concept and motivate the patient to use positive coping mechanisms. I will encourage patient to participate in mental and physical activities within her ability such as yoga, going to the gym for exercise, massage, social gatherings, sports, music, movies, games, dancing, etc. Distraction has been demonstrated to be effective in coping with drug abuse by reducing stress. I will refer patient for professional psychological counseling. Formal counseling increases objectivity and fosters collaborative approach to patient’s care.

NURSING DIAGNOSIS 2: Interrupted family crisis r/t situational crisis
Interventions: Teach self-healing techniques such as meditation, yoga, dancing, guided imagery and prayer. These strategies promote anxiety reduction and decreases level of patient’s stress with family problems. Refer patient and her family to community resources, support groups available to assist them emotionally. Create an environment in which patient and family members feel free to express themselves honestly about the present situation to decrease their anxiety and help patient and family members develop confidence in their ability to resolve problems. Inform patient that she needs to acknowledge her substance abuse before progress can be made in rebuilding family relations especially building relationship with her children if she wants to keep them and be under her custody. Assist patient in identifying her strengths and talk about progress she have made in