Covid-19 Pandemic Summary

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Pages: 6

Caelan Meyer Elizabeth Dickhut ENG 106 26 Feb. 2024 The COVID-19 Pandemic & Subsequent Increase in Academic Dishonesty: In “Reports of Cheating at Colleges Soar During the Pandemic” the author, Sneha Dey, discusses the increased reports of cheating during the pandemic. Dey cites a few reasons for the sudden increase in reported cheating during the COVID-19 pandemic. One reason being, that with the move from in-person to online school, cheating was easier and more convenient for students. Dey also explains the stress students were under, and how some felt like they had no other choice. Using a mixture of interviews and statistics, Dey explains why and how the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to an increase in cheating. According to the World Health …show more content…
When the student is taking their exam online, they can use resources they wouldn’t have been able to use in the classroom. Students could have also accidentally cheated. They may not have realized they were not allowed to use some of their resources. They could have seen using the internet as a tool they could use to get a better grade, and not realize that just because their class is on the internet doesn’t mean that they can use the internet to help them figure out answers. One of Dey’s interviewees, Phillip Griffeth, from the University of Georgia, says “...some students might have seen [sic] ‘open-book, open-note' as ‘open-internet, open-resources',”