Creation Myths Research Paper

Words: 736
Pages: 3

There are many creation myths from different areas around the world. Some of them are: “Brahma is Lonely,” “Thoughts of Brahma,” “Finland Creation,” and “Chinese Creation.” There are lots of other myths as well from different cultures and from different areas around the world. There are also things that can be compared from each one of them. Each one of them one way or another have a detail or big idea that connects them with many other myths. Some main ideas that can be used to connect them are: Water and Chaos, Creation using a God’s Body, and Animals that help with the creation of the world/gods. Although there are many other topics to choose from, these are the ones that stood out to me the most. The topic Water and Chaos are used to connect myths, such as, “Thoughts of the Brahma,” “Eurynome and Ophion,” and “The Birth Of The Gods.” To give a little background information about the God “Brahma,” he was the first God in the culture of Hindu. It was told that he was the creator back then and he created the waters. In the waters, he planted a seed which then developed into a “golden” egg, and in that egg …show more content…
Some myths that can be used to be compared in this topic are: “Thoughts of the Brahma,” “Norse,” and “Iran.” In “Thoughts of the Brahma,” Brahma was the creator and created many things such as the universe,water,plants, ghosts and so on. These were created by happy thoughts, unhappy thoughts and by the use of other things that were already created. In the myth “Norse,” the gods such as: Ymir, Audhumbla, Odin, and Vili all created the world. Ymir and Audhumbla were created by the clouds. From Ymir’s body, when he was killed, the mountains,earth and plants were created. In the myth “Iran,” the god, Ormazd, created life. He then created Gods, Angels, Man, and his Ox. Ahriman created demons. Juhi killed the Ox and from the Ox’s sperm, a tree was made where ten races of men were