Cultural Appropriation: What Is Cultural Appropriation?

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Pages: 6

What is cultural appropriation? Cultural appropriation is a sociological concept which views the the adoption or use of the elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon. This topic is something that is not looked upon like other topics such as Kim Davis vs. gay marriage supporters and presidential debates such as Trump’s rhetoric, Clinton’s emails etc vs. the public. Due to cultural appropriation and its necessities, it has become largely popular over time, especially towards celebrities who comment negatively against certain hairstyles at award shows, the idea of believing and acting like another race, and as well as adopting certain aspects of different cultures as your own. Cultural appropriation …show more content…
I can most definitely see why people enjoy wearing items and doings things that don’t correspond with their culture. People who are not of the African American culture enjoy wearing weave, dreadlocs or “faux locs”, and box braids because it hides your natural hair away and you can do different colors or you just want the length. When non-Indians or non-Asians wear the specific clothing, they wear it only for the style and that’s it. When non-Middle-Easterners or non-Arabs get henna done, it’s mostly because it looks like a tattoo and it’s. There are multiple reasons to why people of different cultures do, say, and wear of other …show more content…
Basically, because so many people do it. The idea of non-Middle-Easterners wearing the hijab or the turbans and getting henna is very weak because Middle-Easterners will come back become very defensive about. A fellow student who is Muslim is offended by those who considering getting henna and using it as a style. It will eventually die out. Cultural appropriation is not only barely acknowledged in society, because don’t think it’s a real thing and completely look past it as if it were nothing. The stereotypical concept that anyone with braids or dreads smell like weed, the concept that acting like another race is completely necessary, and the concept of using ideas of other cultures other than you own is cultural