Cyp 3.2

Words: 461
Pages: 2

3.1. Explain child protection in relation to safeguarding.
All adults within the school have responsibility to safeguarding the welfare of children by protecting, preventing and stopping future problems as abuse once they know one.
- Working together to safeguard children (2010). This document guides agencies working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in accordance with the children Act. It tells them their roles and responsibilities, how to train inter agencies; manage individual cases where there are concerns about a child’s safety and welfare.
- What to do if concerned a child is being abused (2006). This legislation sets out step for adults relating to abused children. It suggests agencies to review the case to.
- Safeguarding
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3.2 a. Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to: domestic abuse
It is very common for the families to feel that domestic violence does not affect children if they have not been directly injured. But that’s not true because the child can still suffer profound and long-term harm to their social and psychological wellbeing. This can include increased likelihood of lifelong relationship difficulties, mental health problems. The child in such a case may not want to go home, be not happy and tearful, or be unusually clingy with teachers.
3.2 b. Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to: neglect
This type of abuse means that the child or young person is not having their basic needs met by parents or carers. This basic needs include shelter, food, general hygiene, love and medical care. The signs of neglect may be that pupils are dirty, hungry, attention-seeking or generally failing to thrive. 3.2 c. Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to: physical