Cystic Fibrosis Research Paper

Words: 245
Pages: 1

Cystic fibrosis can also affect your pancreas with the buildup of mucus in the pancreas prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the rest of the digestive system. Because the enzymes can’t reach the digestive system, your body will have a hard time absorbing nutrients and proteins. Having an lack of nutrients can cause a slow gain of weight. This mean people Cystic fibrosis tend to be very skinny, no what how much food he or she eats. There are other symptoms for Cystic fibrosis along with the pancreas and the lungs. Other common symptoms of having Cystic fibrosis is having salty tasting skin, and having a constant cough. Also, other symptoms are having a shortness of breath, poor growth, and difficulty in bowel movements. With having these