Dbq Imperialism Research Paper

Words: 497
Pages: 2

“Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors and oppressed.”

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries,imperialism was colonizing over a nation through military force to become under its power. Imperialism was not a progressive force for both oppressors and oppressed due to the harsh treatment. In Africa, people were killed and suffered and young adults were treated as slaves. Land and religion freedom were taken away from them. Due to the long work hours caused them to die fast which means their population is decreasing. There were many negative effects on these nations that were colonized by the Europeans. Many nations were colonized by the Europeans around the global such as Egypt, China and Philippines , however they gained independence after years. The nations who colonized nations, gained wealth. Imperialism
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Document 10 states, “When the whites came to our country, we had the land and they had the bible, now we have the bible and the have the land.” The Africans converted to christianity but later Europeans gained their land. Africa had natural resources which the Europeans wanted to reach, to gain wealth. According to “Thus Colonize the English.”, Africans were tortured as the Europeans gain their resources and taking their benefits. The Europeans believed that they’re helping the Africans but they’re harming them to get wealth.
The amount of work hours led to many people to die and suffer. Europeans assigned numerous work to the people, however they weren’t enough people to do it. According to document 12, it states “ We are not enough people how to do what you want us to do.” It means that people couldn’t do the work due to the decreasing population. According to the political cartoon “Learning Civilized ways is hard work”, it represents Asia and Africa work hard while the Europeans got the benefits of their hard work. Europeans took resources from the nations and exploitation of