Essay about Development: Caregiver and Fine Motor Skills

Submitted By gabistar85
Words: 507
Pages: 3

12382514376400-16 years
Birth/1 month
Physical development
When a baby is sitting to be winded if not supported their head will fall forward this is known as head lag and the back curves.
This age is prone to respond to light and sound by turning
Their reflexes help them to survive for example if you are trying to get them to sleep they may suddenly jump putting their hands and legs in the air.
Will gaze attentively at caregiver’s face, particularly when being fed and talked to. (Fine motor skills)
Social and emotional development
Completely dependent on others The baby’s senses are used for exploration
Starting to respond to environment by making own sounds
Begins to smile from approximately 5 weeks old
Communication and intellectual development
Communicates some needs through sounds
Communicates most needs by crying
Most communication is made by physical contact.
3 months
Physical development
When a baby is between 3 and 4 months they are beginning to be able to turn from their side to their back
Their legs can kick together or separately
Their arms can wave and be brought together
If supported by their forearms babies can lift their head and chest
When thy are sitting little head lag remains and their back is straighter
Starting to engage in hand and finger play
Holds their rattle briefly before dropping it (fine motor skills)
Social and emotional development
Starting to show feelings of excitement and fear
Baby may cry if primary carer leaves the room as does not understand they still exist and will be back Beginning to discover what they can do and this creates a sense of self
Communication and intellectual development
Starts to recognise and link familiar sounds such as the face and voice of a care giver.
Will begin to imitate different high and low sounds.6 months
Physical development
Turning from front to back and if confident enough may do the reverse
Using hands to play with their