Differences And Similarities Between The Lottery And The Hunger Games

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Pages: 3

In The Lottery, “The children had stones already, and someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles (Collections California 2017 grade 10, 2016, p.34).” This sentence represented Davy Hutchinson who is little child of Mrs. Hutchinson also participated in stoning to Mrs. Hutchinson. Each The Lottery and The Hunger Games has their unique tradition. Also, the unique tradition of The Hunger Games and The Lottery have some similarity and contrasting points. Although The Lottery and The Hunger Games are similar in type of tradition, each story and movie has different behavior of main character about their family and purpose of tradition. Similarity between The Lottery and The Hunger Games is type of tradition. In The Lottery, every villagers already knew that the winner of the lottery is killed by villagers (Collections California 2017 grade 10, 2016, p.34). However, everyone didn’t resist about this …show more content…
First of all, the type of tradition of The Lottery and The Hunger Games is similar because the type of tradition of The Lottery and The Hunger Games is blindly following ritual and performing tradition with murdered. In contrast, the main character of The Lottery and The Hunger games showed different behavior about their family because Mrs. Hutchinson attempted to use her daughters to increase possibility which she can survive, Unlike Tessie Hutchinson, Katniss Everdeen sacrificed herself for her younger sister. Also, the purpose of The Lottery and The Hunger Games is different because the purpose of The Lottery is for a good harvest, but the purpose of The Hunger games is to prevent revolution from number of 12 district. If wrong rituals similar like The Lottery and The Hunger Games is currently practicing in the world, people have to make stop this