Digital Literacy Survey Paper

Words: 495
Pages: 2

The results from my survey indicate there are mixed thoughts among the undergraduate population on the concept of digital literacy. Some students believe they are already at the peak of the technological curve, while others, could use the help. The popular trend my survey depicts is most students began learning how to use computers at an early age, do not feel uncertain about their digital skills, but could still benefit from a way that would help expand their capabilities. Looking back at my resources in my annotated bibliography, I see a correlation between time efficiency and outcome. A study conducted by Lei and Zhao provides a collection of data fixed around middle school students which demonstrates how the utilization of different popular technologies positively relates to academic performance. Several people answered they primarily use the mouse to navigate on their computer, leading to numerous people saying later in the survey that they feel they take too much time when completing online assignments.
In reviewing
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The last question in my survey asks, “Would you like to become more efficient at using your personal device if there was an easy way to learn?” Most surveyors answered yes, they would benefit from learning more. The reason I included this in the survey is that I wanted to receive feedback if technology classes, like Albert suggests, should be made available, would be helpful to students. The Impact of Digital Skills on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Performance Tests, written by Pagani et al., acknowledges that digital skills are a crucial toolkit in the development of student’s professional presence and proper socialization. This being true, Nova Southeastern University should offer technology classes to allow students who want help to become more familiar with their