Dignity In Elie Wiesel's Night

Words: 188
Pages: 1

“My father's view was not so bleak or perhaps he just did not want to discourage the others” (Wiesel 11). The book Night by Elie Wiesel is about the time Elie spent during the Holocaust. Many events Elie experienced showed dignity during brutality. Even today people show dignity towards their oppressors and towards people who have lost. Either way, today or in the past, dignity is exhibited in times of inhumane treatment and cruelty. Arguably, during the first part of the book in a concentration camp shows an excellent example of dignity during hardships. As Elie and his father are in a concentration camp, they are approached by a relative named Stein and asks if his family is alive and well. “Yes, my mother did hear from them. Reize