Diversity In A Well-Behaving Community

Words: 1118
Pages: 5

Throughout Chicago, communities reflect the lives within them and the diversity of the American people within the city. The communities within Chicago vary in behavior from well-behaved, to moderate behavior, and finally to bad behavior. Unfortunately, you can never be sure if whether you are in a well-behaving community or a crime-infested community. My community is a moderately-behaved community; a moderately-behaved community is a community that is good and bad. The residents in my community usually don't try to cause trouble. There are some people, however, who sometimes cause trouble. Fortunately, the police that are in the proximity of my community try their best to exercise the law and prohibit illegal actions. The residents in my community are best …show more content…
Although these people are bad, I do not know what I would do on my spare time, because the bad people in my community are usually the fun people during the day. If they were taken away I would be bored during the long days of off days. So, I guess having the bad people in my community is a good thing too. In my community there is a green, grass-filled soccer field, accompanied by a concrete basketball court with four rims on it.
During the summer people who like the sport of soccer often play on the soccer field. There are often soccer games played on the soccer field. Hundreds of people come out to support their family and friends who play in these games. The games last for about 2 hours. People who like the sport of basketball often play on the divided basketball court. People usually come out to the basketball court at 12 P.M. to play with their neighbors. Most people come out to play at
6 P.M.; I, however, usually play on the basketball court at 4 P.M., with men sometimes 4 to 6 years older than me, which has made me a better player. I often come out to play on the basketball court in the summer because I have a passion for the game of basketball. I have met many of the people that I