Dog Pregnant Research Paper

Words: 560
Pages: 3

How can I tell if my dog is pregnant?
The question, “How can I tell if my dog is pregnant?” is very common among new dog owners. But rest assured that there are ways on how can you tell if a dog is pregnant or not. These signs and symptoms of dog pregnancy will help you assess your own canine.
Early signs
There are few signs during the early days and weeks of your dog’s pregnancy that you might not even notice that she is pregnant. A dam may act like her normal self that you cannot even pinpoint that she is carrying some puppies within her. However, you may start to notice that she is having some weight gain.
During the 3rd or 4th week of pregnancy, your dog may experience morning sickness just like human females do when they are pregnant. This morning sickness will only last for a few days. In this case, you will
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By day 40 (in average count), you may notice that her nipples will become larger and darker. There will also be breast enlargement and some milky fluid coming out from it once her due date is coming near.
The belly will grow bigger as time passes and it can also sway gently while the dam walks.
In the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, you will be able to see and feel the puppies that are growing inside your dog’s belly. It is important that you visit a veterinarian all throughout the mother dog’s pregnancy to ensure that she and her puppies are safe.
The doctor’s visit
Knowing how long is a dog pregnant is only one of the many things you should understand as a dog owner. There are other important things that you should do such as taking the dam to a veterinarian for her prenatal check-ups.
Once you think that your dog is pregnant, you must take her to a vet for check-up within 2-3 weeks from her mating session. The vet will educate you on what to expect from a pregnant dog and how you can take care of her as well as the do’s and don’ts that can affect her usual daily