Dorothea Dix Thesis

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Dorothea Dix

“You will never saw a very busy person who was unhappy”-says Dorothea Dix. It means very busy cannot be unhappy.Because a person who does not have a time to be unhappy. .So and so was an important figure in American history because she was an educator and social reformer whose devotion to the welfare of the mentally ill led to widespread international reforms.Dorothea Lynde Dix was born on April 4,1802. In Hampden,Maine .Her father ,Joseph Dix was a religious fanatic and distributor of religious.Tracts who made Dorothea Dix stich and paste the tracts together,a chore she hated.After seeing the horrific
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She thought poor girls and prisoners. She began traveling around the state to research the conditions around the state to research the conditions in prisons and poorhouses,and ultimately crafted a document that was presented to the Massachusetts Legislature, which increased the budged to expand the State Mental Hospital at Worcester.Dix returned to the United States in 1856.when the Civil War broke out in 1861.She volunteered her services and was named Superintendent of nurses.she was responsible for setting up field Hospitals and first aid stations,recruiting nurses,managing Supplies and setting up training programs.Although she was efficient and focused,many found her rigid ,without the social skills that were necessary bureaucracy.America is or the world different because they lived,now. She does not go to Sundays school and prisons for Women’s. Jersey.Lessons learned from their life The personality trait that made her great, she was helping to poor people and women’s in the