Editing Essentials: Course Analysis

Words: 538
Pages: 3

Important lessons of editing essentials are many and selecting one specific concept is difficult as the reason behind this is that the lessons from the semester are all significant to students learning to further develop the craft of writing. The lesson most beneficial to me is the diagramming the actual sentence in the classroom on Monday nights. Pervious to editing essentials, I had never been taught the concept of visually breaking down sentences and the words that make up the sentence. The course has given me a better understanding how to structure correctly a functional sentence. After several lectures, I was able to identify words that fell under the categories of subjects, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs and where to place them on the core line of the diagram. The procedure of learning the correct places of words was difficult and overtime I moderately …show more content…
In addition, sentence diagramming is essential to comprehend difficult reading material in everyday life or in a professional atmosphere. The lessons I have been taught during editing essentials will apply to the future English courses I take to complete my degree and apply it on a professional level, career wise. In the future, I hope to continue practicing sentence diagramming and be able to help others better understand the logic behind the words and their sentence structure. A second fundamental concept of editing essentials is the chapter regarding punctuation and capitalization. In grade school, students learn the basic punctuations and capitalization rules, touching the surface broadly when in fact it is an important factor in writing. In high school, students