Edward Titchener Research Paper

Words: 463
Pages: 2

Heather Gomez
Psychology 4302 6th Nov. 2017
Mod. 2 Assign. 5
Edward Titchener and his Theories In the textbook “A History Of Modern Psychology” the editors explain the ideas of one man by the name of Edward Titchener. He was known for structuralism and introspection in his experiments. In this short essay, his ideas and criticisms will be discussed to further understand his theories. Titchener had at first believed that mental parts of life should be studied more. As his ideas lost favor he suggested that other parts of mental life should be studied, such as quality, duration, and intensity, etc. However, his changes in his ideas came too late in his life and so the school of thought did not remain on structuralism. After his death, the
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Even though he was still alive his ideas for others had not moved on with the times and new ideas for psychology. He had tried to change the viewpoints in which students were to approach a study. Though in his lifetime he did not achieve the changes in his ideas for structuralism. Other ideas had become more important leaving Tichener’s theories left behind. Titchener’s idea of introspection depended on a trained individuals ability to describe something rather than just saying what it was called. He did not think that Wundt was correct in just measuring objects and storing that information as the data. Instead, he thought that the sensations were not as important as the consciousness of that person in the study. Titchener cared certain parts and not just the whole experience. Wundt cared more about measuring the parts and adding them to the final conclusion. He called the idea of mixing up explaining the details of the observations of the something to just saying what the something was a stimulus error. He believed that the specific language was not important but the understanding of the specific something or idea was more important. He believed that understanding was gathered over a lifetime and not just a few