Emperor Qin Research Paper

Words: 565
Pages: 3

Emperor Qin was the first imperial ruler of China. He united all 7 warring states in ancient China. Qin was a legalist. Legalists believe that everyone is inherently evil and needed rules and laws to maintain order as well as control over people's behavior. After examining the history of Qin’s rule, it is clear that he is an evil dictator. After examining the details I believe that he is an evil dictator because he buried people alive and he was infamous for burning very important books so that no one would know of the other people would not know of any other person besides him. But he also did start the Great Wall of China. One reason I maintain this position is that Qin started the Great Wall of China because he wanted …show more content…
From this experience, I know that a good leader does what is best for people and make good choices. In contrast,They are of the belief that Emperor Qin made the people work on the building of the great wall of china and ended in assassination. However, I believe that it was wrong to use the labor of innocent people. The Qin Dynasty clan lasted for only 15 years and ended in suicide and death. But, during their short reign, they destroyed more than half of the population and much of culture, literature and scholarship of Zhou era. This was at the end of the Qin Empire. Liu bang defeated his main rivals in war to become emperor of a new empire called the Han Dynasty. There were assassination attempts on his life. By killing many scholars and officials and imposing his harsh rule, many people hated him. One of the first decrees of the Qin Empire was that all weapons had to be surrendered to them. They ordered that everyone had to serve in the army for a year. It was said that for every foot of the wall someone died. Emperor Qin started the great wall of china but did not finish it. He made an army of terracotta soldiers. He killed 450 scholars. He was infamous for burning famous books to history, so no one would know of anyone else, people will think he is the greatest. The Qin dynasty clan lasted for only 15 years and ended in suicide. He killed 300,000 people. He would also kill every person who would even put a scratch in the wall. It was