Ephedrine Or Pseudoephedrine In Pharmacy

Words: 286
Pages: 2

Based on an announcement hung on the wall of a pharmacy located in Carmel, IN, purchasing drugs containing more than 7.2 grams (equal to 7200 milligrams) of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, or both, in a 30 day period , or purchasing drugs containing 3.6 grams (equal to 3600 milligrams) of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine in one day is a criminal offense. Also, depending the amount of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine in a drug, purchasing more than one package of such drugs on one day may be a crime.
The pharmacy technician explained that the ID of a person seeking such drugs , such as a driver' license, might be checked and the information of the customer might be registered.

One note that I may add to your discussion is that ephedrine