Essay On Child Observation

Words: 470
Pages: 2

Observation For this research paper, I had the opportunity to observe infants and toddlers who were being looked after at my local church. These children ranged in age from 5 months to 2 years and come from a very wide range of backgrounds. Some of the children have grown up in loving and complete households while others have been the victim of abuse and are now adopted into new and lowing homes. I observed the children at the church daycare which is open during all Sunday church services. At the daycare, church volunteers are able to look after the children while their parents venture off to learn about the world of the Lord. In the daycare, children are separated into different groups depending on their ages. For this particular project, I was with the youngest group of children. The room that they are allowed to play in is filled with dozens of plastic toys that are meant to distract them from their time away from their parents. The room also is equipped with a ball pit full of plastic balls and foam playsets for the children to climb on …show more content…
The first subset is microsystems. A microsystem is “a pattern of activities, social roles, and interpersonal relations experienced by the developing person in a given face-to-face setting with particular physical, social, and symbolic features that invite, permit, or inhibit engagement in sustained activity in the immediate environment” (Broffenbrenner, 1994). The next subset is mesosystems. Mesosystems are events within which two mesosystems come together and form a larger system (Child, 2016). An example of this is if a child is sick and has to be taken to the doctor’s office. At the office, two microsystems will intersect as the child’s parents are meeting the doctor. An infant’s parents are one microsystem while caretakers and workers like doctors who care for the toddler are in another