Essay On Right To Privacy

Words: 622
Pages: 3

"Technology is slowly taking over the world for better or for worse. Technology holds a lot of ones personal information that the United States government believes for the safety of the United States should be able to be monitor to some extent. There is much debate on whether this is constitutional or not. Does one have to sacrifice their right for their safety and the safety of the United States of America? There is debate on whether the government should make more laws that regulates the government to collect data from United States citizens. Due to there not being any clear federal law that regulates this monitoring it angers many U.S. citizens and businesses that their personal lives and companies being bombarded. The Privacy Act of 1974 …show more content…
The incident with NASA for example, “By subverting the Internet at every level to make it a vast, multi-layered and robust surveillance platform, the NSA has undermined a fundamental social contract,”( Schneier,10). Due to this breaking of ethical business trust, NASA has caused many to believe that the government should have no place in people's personal affairs for this breaks their constitutional rights to privacy. These unlawful searches allegedly can expose citizens and businesses to hacking and other dangers. “The American Civil Liberties Union joined Schneier in criticizing the spy agency. Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, said late Thursday that the agency's alleged campaign against encryption is ""is making the Internet less secure"" and exposing Web users to ""criminal hacking, foreign espionage, and unlawful surveillance,""(US News, 11-17). This worrying many people in thinking if the government can not suravlince anything on the internet which could allow dangerous criminals, terrorist, kidnappers and online predators to hurt people. Detectives police officers and other forces have helped stopped crimes and help solve crimes by using people's personal