Essay On Social Epidemiology

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Pages: 2

A topic I am interested in is social epidemiology, which studies the links between our health and the social aspects that influence it. The primary purpose of epidemiology is to figure out how to prevent diseases and improve overall health. In order to do that epidemiologists study the spread of disease(s) and attempt to identify the possible cause(s) of the disease. Social epidemiology takes that a step further to study the “factors not only at the individual level, but also at the group or community level” (Berkman, Karachi, & Glamour, 2014, p. viii).

The relationship between social factors and the fitness of the population directly affecting disease circulation and health has been observed since the early nineteenth century(Hong, 2004, p. 194). Eclipsed by the discovery of germ theory for almost a
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738). One of the most notable findings for societal influence has been the relationship between stressful situations and the physiological responses they produce, causing illness.

Obtaining a bachelor of health science degree in community and public health is a significant step toward being able to assist in the advancement of improving public health through research and education. One way of doing that is by understanding the factors required to develop and maintain societal health while figuring out the factors responsible for promoting disease.


HONJO, Kaori. (2004). Social Epidemiology: Definition, Research, and History Examples. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 9, p.p. 193-199.

Berkman, Lisa F., Glymour, Maria M., & Kawachi, Ichiro. (Eds). (2014). Social Epidemiology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Fox, Ken. (2006). Social Epidemiology: How Socioeconomic Risk Factors Become Health Realities. AMA Journal of Ethics, 8 (11), p.p.