Examples Of Conflict In Tartuffe

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Pages: 2

Conflict – a struggle between two opposing forces (internal & external)
• Orgon is fooled by Tartuffe, a man who feigns to be holy, but is really a fraud. Orgon and his mother are the only ones who truly believe Tartuffe, the rest of Orgon’s family knows that Tartuffe is a hypocrite.
• In Act I, Scene I, Madame Pernelle and the rest of the characters find themselves in conflicts, because Madame Pernelle does not like what everyone else is doing.
• Orgon tells his daughter Mariane that she will be marrying Tartuffe instead of Valère.
• Dorine, Mariane’s servant, shows especial hate towards Tartuffe and becomes vocal when expressing her displeasure.
• Tartuffe tries to seduce Orgon’s wife, Elmire. Elmire shuts him down, then makes a deal with him. If he can convince Orgon to let Mariane marry Valère, she will not tell Orgon about his motives. When Damis decides to tell Orgon what’s happened, Orgon refuses to believe him and disinherits him instead. As a result, Tartuffe is made to get all Orgon’s fortune.
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She makes Orgon hide under a table while she seduces Tartuffe. Orgon is shocked by what he sees and considers Tartuffe his enemy.
• Orgon and Tartuffe fight over the inheritance that Organ had promised Tartuffe before.
• Monsieur Loyal, who is in defense of Tartuffe, tells Orgon that he will have to leave the house by the next morning. Valère convinces Orgon to flee the country.
• Tartuffe shows up to arrest Orgon. The policeman arrests Tartuffe instead, and explains that the wise King knew how cunning Tartuffe