Examples Of Racial Ideology

Words: 522
Pages: 3

Although race is commonly thought of as an idea, it is actually an ideology. Because of this distinction, without an understanding of ideology, it is impossible to have a true understanding of race. Ideology is the vocabulary of how people interpret and identify the things and people around them, and their relationship to those things and people. Ideology is developed from social experience. It is not the same as propaganda, because it cannot be passed from person to person, just as personal experience cannot be passed on in that way. Ideologies can, however, be kept alive. What sustains racial ideology is ritual repetition - it exists because we continue to practice it.
Racial ideologies were born in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. They justified slavery during a time when everyone else in the country was being awarded inalienable rights and freedom. Another factor which gave rise to the ideology of racial inferiority was the existing oppression and lack of rights of African slaves. Because they were already oppressed, it was easier for people to see them as inferior, the defining factor of their inferiority eventually becoming skin color. However, slavery did not always concern race. In the 1600s, white English indentured
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There was no systematic slave code at all, because one was unnecessary until slavery did become systematic. However, in the 1670s, enslaving Africans became advantageous, due to the large amount of freed white indentured slaves who now posed a threat to the rulers of Virginia. Replacing white indentured slaves with African slaves meant that freed slaves could no longer increase their numbers, because African slaves were never freed. Slavery also limited the need for free people to exploit each other, which made it even more