Explain Why It Was Difficult To Settle In Charles Town

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Pages: 3

Settling In Charles Town
Have you ever moved before? If you have you know it’s not easy. Many people settle in different places for many reasons such as the Settlers, that moved from Great Britain to Charles Town for many different reasons. The reason why the Settlers settled in Charles Town because of the plantation,the fertile soil,waterways,and religious freedom. But it was the very difficult to settle in Charles Town. But why was it so difficult to settle in? It was because of diseases, conflicts and harsh treatment from the Natives, ran out of food, harsh weather, and no resources. So with all of this problems occurring Charles Town it seemed like it would be extremely difficult to settle there. Charles Town was very difficult to settle in because of harsh treatment from the Natives , diseases, and harsh weather, occurring this was very hard for the Settlers.
Charles Town was mostly difficult to settle in because of the geography. Mostly because they couldn’t make their maps quite accurate so a lot of the times they couldn't find territory in. Also their was many different obstacles such as the native’s who didn’t treat the European settlers very nicely. Another reason why is that the harsh weather would get them either lost or destroy
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The resources weren’t perfect but wasn’t the worst either, just the weather was a drag to be in with thunderstorms,very humid climate, and also very hot in the summer. Also the natives americans were very harsh with the European because they thought that they were trying to take their land and cause harm to the natives. So the Natives would kill some of the European if they got a chance. Another problem was they didn’t know land that well so and obstacles they came upon them it would take them a little time to figure out to get past it. This was one of the reasons it was so hard to settle in Charles