Fahrenheit 451 Persuasive Essay

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Pages: 4

This I Believe Essay
Does censoring books benefit us? Censorship is a growing issue in our society, and as more books are published many seem to think that books are becoming more graphic and explicit than ever before. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury tackles the century-old debate on whether book censorship is crucial for us, or if censoring books do more evil than good. One of the main antagonists in his novel named Beatty firmly believes that book censorship is crucial to society and books are the reason people are unsatisfied and unhappy with their lives. However, I believe that books impact us and create content in our world regardless of whether they contradict each other or even if books focus on complex topics. Books play a
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From Junie B. Jones to Harry Potter, books helped me determine who I was. As I grew older, I began reading books on subjects that may not be necessarily here in America but were happening elsewhere. I was able to see issues I would never have known existed without reading about them. While some of the topics may be painful to read about, I would much rather momentarily have a tough time reading about them than live aimlessly, not knowing issues happening in our world. My parents never sheltered me away from anything or imposed their own beliefs on me because they wanted me to form my own views without their influence because they realized that for many things that it could do more wrong than good. I do not believe in censorship of any books. If someone does not agree with what a book's message says, there is certainly nothing prompting them to read the book. Books are excellent tools for us to endure things that are not happening right now, and for us to try and not repeat the harmful things our biased relatives may have done and to continue making our world a better place. Censoring books may guard us against the truth, but it is better to live in