Family Theme In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Pages: 3

Elie Wiesel expresses the theme of family is the most important thing to keep people going through hard times in his book Night. His cousin, Stein, constantly talks about “‘The only thing that keeps me alive,’ he kept saying, ‘is to know that Reizel and the little ones are still alive. Were it not for them, I would give up.’”(45) When Stein says “Were it not for them, I would give up.” really goes to show that he is using his family to motivate himself to keep pushing forth. The visual of the pictures of people persevering can symbolize how to keep going even when you think you can’t. The pictures relate to the quote because when Stein says “Were it not for them, I would give up”, it shows that Stein has something to persevere for. This also connects to the overall theme because families can use each other to persevere in hard times. …show more content…
Elie says throughout the book how “Naturally, we refused to be separated.” (20) when talking about his father and himself. This connects to the theme because Elie doesn’t want to be separated from his father and that shows how important it is to stay with family. The picture of arms linked together symbolizes people staying together and not wanting to be separated. This relates directly to the quote because the people with their arms linked represents what Elie is saying about refusing to be separated from his father during selection. It connects to the overall theme as well because when families stay together and refuse to be separated, they can link arms and motivate each other to keep going