First Contact Synopsis

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Pages: 3

Documentary: First Contact

The documentary “First contact” was hosted by Ray martin to put a stereotype to the test, and see Australians perception on aboriginals. The filmmaker uses this experiment to see how australians adjust to the living arrangements of aboriginals and their constant struggle of trying to fit in with normal society. This topic is very controversial as it consists of six people's mixed opinions, including some that have a positive take on aboriginals, while some other opinions are still stuck on the same old stereotype of intolerance.

The Characters in the documentary have very different and controversial opinions. In the documentary many attitudes are explored by these individuals both negative and positive,
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Jasmine’s opinion on aboriginals is quite negative and strong she believes that they don't deserve what they have, she also feels that they should be more appreciative and be grateful for what they have, instead of having to rely on other people for income.
Her attitude: In the documentary Jasmine has a very negative and narcissistic attitude when she asked how she feels about aboriginals. This assumption originates as she believes she deserves more than what aboriginals are getting, as she assumes all aboriginals get money from the government without the actual need to work. She also gives off an impression that she doesn't want to be associated with aboriginals, as she feels aboriginals take everything and never give anything back.
How do they represent Australia?
She represent Australia in a negative way, she portrays that some Australians are quite negative and don't believe there is more to aboriginals then the stereotype.


“When is comes to brains white people have been given the