Gary Paulsen Literary Techniques

Words: 211
Pages: 1

Gary Paulsen uses at least 3 literary techniques. For Example ,in chapter1 it repeats alone because he is alone. For example, in chapter10’’it says he was out of food but he could look tomorrow. for example, in chapter17 they repeat tomorrow .for example in chapter13’’it says’’ he could not, he thought then ever get enough. For example, in chapter3’’it says’ ’his whole brain screamed in sudden silence. for example, in chapter8 it says if the bear had wanted you he would have taken you. for example ,in chapter13 it says a hissing madness that took his brain. for example in chapter15 it says his brain was frying. for example in chapter6 it says glistening red in the sunlight he almost yelled. for example it says it was as if all the berries exploded