Genetic Lab Report

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Pages: 4

For my 20 Time project, I researched the topic of genetics for the course of 9-10 weeks. Mrs. Hall sparked my interest when she started talking about the subject in the middle of science class, it just seemed intriguing. I was hoping to find a cure for all genetic disorders moreover learning more about each one. I wanted to learn the basics of genetics, like why we look the way we do. This book called Genetics was a great help for the outcome of my final project. It introduced some unfamiliar topics such chromosomes and explained them in a simple way that I could understand. Some challenges I ran into during the time of this project was that some of the things I researched were confusing such as how a mutated gene develops. I also had a hard …show more content…
In week 1, I didn’t necessarily research a topic, I just planned out what I would research in the oncoming weeks, I did start reading a book called Genetics though. In week 2, I finished the book I read in the previous week as well as starting to research the things it talked about, like genetic mutations along with chromosomes. In week 3, I researched types of genetic disorders furthermore,preventing them, including deletion conjointly frameshift. In week 4, I questioned my parents about their genetic backgrounds. I asked them questions such as. “What color eyes do your parents have?” together with “Do you know any genetic mutations that have been passed down to …show more content…
The basics of genetics include things such as the DNA and the passing of chromosomes. I didn’t necessarily complete the things I wanted to do, like find a cure for all genetic disorders. I learned that many genetic mutations are chronic and cannot be cured. Scientists have come up with something called gene therapy. This technique may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patient's cells instead of using drugs or surgery. Some of the curable disorders include influenza, HIV, hepatitis heart disease and diabetes. This technique has been done before, in 1990, a four year old child was treated and cured from her rare disorder called SCID. My final product didn’t come out the way I expected it. I was first considering a poster or slideshow, containing my findings. At first, I anticipated that this project would be the hardest thing we did all year, I was sure wrong.
This project impacted me by showing how hard of a worker I can really be. Something I learned about myself is that I can become very anxious or stressed about the tiniest things, such as completing a blog or researching a topic. Something else this project revealed to me is that I do not like procrastinate. My work impacted others by proving that if you just put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. This project also impacted others by teaching them something interesting