George And Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Words: 530
Pages: 3

Throughout the novel “Of Mice and Men” there have been many plans made by the two main characters George and Lennie. Throughout of the book these plans always seem to go wrong for them mainly at the end of the novel and not at the start, like “Romeo and Juliet”. Plans by George and Lennie in the book are there idea to own a bit of land. Another plan was how George decides that it was best for if they didn't talk to Curley’s Wife. The last plan was for Lennie to go back to where they slept on the first night if he ever got in trouble. These are the many plans in ‘Of Mice and Men’ that go wrong, but they were not doomed from the start.

The main dream throughout the novel is George and Lennie having a little bit of land to live off. During