George Washington Plunkitt In Tammany Hall

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Pages: 3

George Washington Plunkitt was an influential leader in Tammany Hall. He also served as a state senator, formed the George Washington Plunkitt Associations, leader of the district, and became a statesman. He was known as the New York Political Machine. Being born in to poverty Plunkitt was optimistic and became successful. Plunkitt started a fortune by practicing what he called “honest graft.” He would buy land that he knew the government would need at some point. He would get this information from “tips” he claimed he received from the inside. But essentially he was buying up land knowing that the government would need it and he capitalized on it. He believed that this was not corrupt in any way. He was doing an “honest graft.” Progressed through Tammany Hall through the support of the Fifteenth District. He would often preform “favors” for constituents so that they would show their support and gratitude by voting in their favor. Therefor they were bribing these people so Tammany Hall would benefit. He was always defending Tammy Hall. George Washington Plunkitt said, “So, you see, these fool critics don’t know what they’re talkin’ about when they criticize Tammany Hall, the most perfect political machine on earth.” …show more content…
He said, “The people wouldn’t have to bother about nothin’. Tammany would take care of everything for them in its own quiet way.” If New York became its own state it would turn into oligarchy. People would be removed from the political system. They would not be required to participate. The state would be ruled by the elite, those who removed and eliminated the government